You have the Answer. Just get quiet enough to hear it. ~Pat Obuchowski

Happy Easter everyone! I cannot believe it is that point in the year already…how time flies when life gets complicated. I know it has been ages since I have written anything on here- sorry; I am amazed that anyone is still reading my ramblings. In all honest I haven’t felt the want to write anything […]

Promise me you’ll never forget me because if I thought you would I’d never leave. ~A.A. Milne

Where is the good in goodbye? ~Meredith Willson, The Music Man …An interesting question if you ask me and something I have been randomly thinking about today. Is there such a thing as a positive (good) goodbye?? Is it always sad to see someone for a last time or to close the door on something? […]

A peacefulness follows any decision, even the wrong one ~ Rita Mae Brown

Every day each one of us makes and faces lots of decisions. Some are simple- what to eat for breakfast, do I want tea or coffee to drink. Many take a few mins to mull over..what to wear to work.. Then there’s the bigger decisions…the ones that way on your mind for days, weeks even […]

“It’s really hard to walk in a single woman’s shoes – that’s why you sometimes need really special shoes!”

Is being single a good or bad thing? This weekend I have been pondering if it a good or a bad thing to be single? Having been on my own for most of 2011 I seem to be settling into the fact it’s just me (and my cat of course). It’s taken a little while […]